Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rainbows and Fairies

When I was little, my Grama had a prism hanging in the western window. In the afternoons, the rainbows would be projected all over the floor, and I would try to stand on them, or hold them in my hands. When I had my own apartment in Iowa City, I went downtown and bought a prism, which has been with me from IC to Phoenix, and finally to SD.

I hung my prism in my only window, southern, and I find it makes the best rainbows in the fall and winter. As I sat talking on Saturday, I realized that one was projected onto my hand, like a little light of Tinkerbell, so we tried to capture it in a picture.

Rainbows are a common theme lately. While visiting my parents, I went to a yarn shop with my mom and found a really bright and exciting sock yarn. This finally gave me the necessary motivation to actually knit a sock. I had some difficulty with the gusset, but I'm finally on the home stretch, with only half of the foot and the toe left to finish.

Finally, I finished the scarf that I had been working on since Thanksgiving. Everyone who saw me working on it at that gathering, will be happy to see the finished product. I gave it to 文大猊, who was surprised and excited to have a new scarf in personalized colors, which I picked out a few weeks after meeting him.

Be well,


Anonymous said...

Dear Beth,

I'm :] at Your Kniting!!!!!!!

A.G.M. in N.J.

I'm talking from a girl who just
learned how to knit.

Anonymous said...

Very nice scarf!! Should be warm enough for the cold South Dakota winter!! I LOVE the sock! The first one is frustrating but it turns out so nice. I like the combination of solid with multicolors!! I almost have my second pair of socks done and it's to your credit. If you hadn't mentioned knitting socks to me, I would never have tried it. They always looked so hard to do. Love, Matka

Anonymous said...

You're back. Sigh. We all have been wondering about life in SD. Glad to see you have been keeping busy.