Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Now I have the time to finish my knitting projects. The multidirectional scarf is all the rage on Ravelry and in local knitting covens. I started my first one on International Knitting in Public Day, when I met the knitting group for lunch, knitting, and yarn shopping. This color is called "Harvest" from Patons.

I've been knitting before class, during class breaks, and during clinic downtime (when I had clinic last month). My classmates asked I would knit for profit because they reasoned that hand knits are cheaper. My answer to that is: Hand knitting might be cheaper, if you use synthetic or ugly yarn that no one wants and you don't pay for labor. However, I did decide to knit a scarf for one of my classmates, which I finished today. I've been calling it Raspberry Lemonade because of the color. The yarn is Yarn Bee "Tangerine."



Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Can't wait to show you the scarves I've completed or started. It really is a pretty pattern. Thanks for showing me! Matka

Anonymous said...

Lovely, lovely scarves! I hope you have a cold enough winter in the Midwest to use them to their fullest potential. (But don't send that cold air eastward!) - TABinNH