Sunday, April 15, 2012

Don't buy...DIY

Just bake...
 While I can't take credit for execution of any of these misleadingly simple recipes, I can take part credit for choosing a husband who makes amazing food and tries new recipes and techniques.

Today he said, "I'm going to make Cheez-Its." 

"Really?  Is that even going to work?"

"Oh yeah, I found a recipe on the Internet.  It only has 4 ingredients.  The reviews say, 'Yeah, they taste exactly like Cheez-Its.'"  

...and serve.
And indeed they do taste exactly like Cheez-Its.  If you have a pasta wheel, you can make the edges look nicer.  A skewer creates a hole in the center to make the experience more pleasant.

The birds like them too.



Anonymous said...

Those look yummy! Matka

Anonymous said...

What a talented guy! Those look wonderful. I found a gluten free recipe, but I haven't tried it yet. Kayleen