Tuesday, June 19, 2012


My friend from grad school in Vermillion, who now lives in Rapid City, was in town and stayed with us last night.  Today we woke up, hung around talking, and went out to lunch.  We went to a little local Italian place, and then we looked around in some of the boutiques and shops near the restaurant.

We drove by Pier 1 and decided to stop by.  Neither of us had been there in a long time.  Luckily, they had recently added this little retro repro owl jar, in two sizes.  I got the small size, which is still a nice size for a cookie jar.  Five jars on the counter now...



Anonymous said...

A veritable parliament! How nice!

Anonymous said...

Yum! Think of it, five different kinds of cookies, one for each jar! I need to visit you soon.

Anonymous said...

Trina, you are so smart!! Are there 5 parts to parliment? MJR

Anonymous said...

Google is a wonder.
I thought, "What does one call a group of owls, anyway?"
Apparently "parliament".
Though Google also warns that real owls are rarely found in groups.
How fun to have a reason to say, "a parliament of owls!"
Even more fun to (someday, hopefully) get to eat some of the cookies they contain!

Anonymous said...

a parliament of owls! Wonderful!

you are going to need a house.
