Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I don't know why I've been very interested in hats lately. After finishing a hat with Jojoland Fantasia, my thoughts turned to some kiwi green Lamb's Pride wool yarn I had hidden away in my stash. I decided to challenge myself by adding a cable on both sides of the same basic hat pattern. I also decided to try a felted flower for an embellishment. I tried two flowers, but the one that looked the best was crocheted and felted with a very easy boiling method (boil in water, dip in ice water, rub between hands, repeat until fully felted).
The flower was easy to sew onto the hat, with a large button for the center.  I finally settled on a pattern called "Banana Tree" for the side cables. I had to convert the pattern from flat knitting to in-the-round for the hat.  Since the pattern is asymmetrical, every other row needs to be reversed for the in-the-round conversion.  Secondly, the cable stitch twisting is all the same direction as written, but with purls and knits reversed.  (I found all that out the hard way, so now you don't have to...you're welcome.)  Banana Tree is such a beautiful and interesting cable, which looks quite nice climbing up the sides of this, otherwise plain and basic, hat.                        - 吴碧芙


Anonymous said...

That is one CUTE hat!! You are ready for the winter weather!! Matla

Anonymous said...

I like hats,and yours are especially special. Most of all, nice pictures of you smiling. I would imagine it was hard to smile in the scorching weather we are all experiencing lately.
Stay cool.