Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cowl Mania

L to R starting with top L: Clever Cowl, Blended Cowl, Fuyu Cowl in grey and "Bonsai," (middle L) Fuyu Cowl in natural and "Dragon Dance," Maurice Cowl, Maurice front view, (bottom L) Marice back view.

I have been making a lot of cowls lately.  I never really wanted a cowl before, but something suddenly changed, and now I can't stop making them.  The most recent is Maurice, by one of my favorite designers.  I actually bought the pattern--also something I almost never do--as part of a trio (The Short-Row Stripes Cowl Trio).  The second and third cowl patterns have not been released yet, but after finishing Maurice, I have nothing on my needles.  

To be clear, these are not all for me, and one has already gone to its intended recipient.



Anonymous said...

Wow. That's a lot of cowls. they all look really nice.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you need to let your knitting needles cool off a bit. They have been hot with all that knitting! Matka