Wednesday, July 9, 2008

TAC (Thursday After Class)

Looking through my China photos, I found the pictures from our last group barbecue. We used to go every Thursday after class, around 9pm, to have barbecue at the university's East Gate, where there was also a smoothie stand and the small restaurants that we frequented. Everyone would meet for beer and things barbecued on sticks, ordered with the instruction yidian la ("a little spicy"). This stand appeared in the evening and was completely open to the air. The blades of the fans were missing, and instead metal wires with plastic bags attached to the ends spun on the fan apparatus to keep the flies away from the food. The grill was next to the stand, also open to the air, with an exhaust fan to the side of it, in order to draw the smoke away from the customers.

I liked that there were enough vegetarian food choices in the stands, including tofu skin that was wonderful with the spice mixture on it.

My food (above) from top to bottom (kind of): tofu skin, sprouted garlic shoots (green), mantou (bread rolls), cilantro wrapped in tofu skin, green peppers (underneath).

The owner always remembered who ordered what, and how much they owed, so we could pay at the end of the evening if we wanted. We sat at metal folding tables and plastic patio chairs under a tarp, and wait for the food we chose to be delivered to the table.

Last Thursday I was traveling. This Thursday I will miss the weekly barbecue and all of my friends from China.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to have you back in the states. There's no place like home, and there's no food like USA food. Such a mix and blend of all cultural cuisines. Everything at the grocers has a little higher price than when you left almost a year ago. You will notice this is true with everything. Back to food, your parents were here 2 Sunday's ago and we feasted on grilled chicken, cucumber salad, and such. Then, last weekend, I was especially happy to feast with your parents on the farm. Your mom had made wedding salad, tater tot casserole, and such Iowa recipes to make my mouth water. I bought raspberries today to make THEE famous dessert. My bushes were choked out the by the weeds I did not keep up with this year and the few raspberries present, I made quick work of. Updates from CR include: Jared reports having 2 different possible job offers, he may start work this next Monday; Matthew's trip to London was canceled then rescheduled again and he left SD in a rush (should be in London by Sunday ready to start work); FEMA sent lots of mobile homes to CR flood families in record time but unfortunately they are all being recalled due to mold growth inside of them. And the beat goes on.