Thursday, September 4, 2008

Two Birdies

Well, I moved to SD on Saturday and started classes yesterday. Classes seem good, but undergrad classes have a lot of work in them. I got Kavi back, along with his friend Roscoe. Both are sweet, but Roscoe is kind of a stinker. His mischief is cute, though. I let them out whenever I'm home. They have clipped wings, but Roscoe flies with no problem, I guess he just figures he has to try a little harder, but it works. They mimic each other and like to be in the same room at least. When Roscoe flew into my bedroom and didn't know where he was, he screamed and Kavi screamed back, although that was the only time I've heard Kavi scream these days. Kavi might have an infection, and he's been quiet but affectionate lately.

Kavi (left) and Roscoe

This morning I let them stay on the counter in the bathroom while I was getting ready. Roscoe checked out the sink, but then they both sat on the counter, and Kavi preened Roscoe. I thought I would check out the video feature on blogger and let you see how cute they are. If the video doesn't work, I'm including a still.

Roscoe wants Kavi to preen him all the time, but Roscoe doesn't like to be petted by people. Kavi will take a pet from anyone. It's what one might call the "chain of preening."

I don't have internet or TV at my apartment. I'm at the library now with plans to buy my books after this. I've already met a few people on campus through the International Student Group. One of the international students is a returning student like me, so we have some of the same classes.



Anonymous said...

International Student Group? How did you find that group? The video on your blog worked for me. Those two are cute together!! Roscoe should learn how to be reciprocal with the preening. Matka

Anonymous said...

Think I heard a little chirp at second 39. How sweet. I took a solo ride on the Vulcan yesterday. All around town. Really enjoy the wind.