Sunday, October 25, 2009

Peacock and a Picture Story

For a while, I've been envisioning a beading project, called "the peacock" because I wanted a mix-match of blues and greens. I wanted it to be secure, without a clasp, and without exposed metal parts. I got some pointers from MJ in CR, and 文大猊 took me to the crazy "I-didn't-know-they-had-a-bead-for-that" bead shop in SF. This is where I found the aqua-colored leaf beads, the two blue twisty beads in front, a mix of peacock colors, and the focal bead. The rest was done with four colors of seed beads, wire, and crimps.

We caught the Corn Maze on the second to last day it was open. I've never done one before, but this one covers 8 acres, and the theme this year was monarch butterflies. The maze had a butterfly shape in the center, which could be seen on the map and aerial view. It was difficult. It was muddy. We couldn't imagine participating in the "Haunted Maze" which would take place after dark that night with flashlights. We couldn't imagine taking kids there and setting them loose, since there were a few moments where we two adults were afraid that we were lost in the corn.

There is a group on Flickr that posts picture stories in 4-picture sequences. I used them in my classes in China, and I decided that a picture story would be a good way to present the maze adventure. (Click to enlarge)

Maize Maze: A Picture Story



Anonymous said...

I LOVE the necklace!! VERY pretty!! I'm glad you didn't wear the necklace in that muddy field! I can see how you can tell a story in 4 pictures! Some day I would like to try a corn maze but I will stay away from wet fields!! Matka

Anonymous said...

That is what I am talking about! Great job on the necklace, love, love, love, l,o,v,e, love it!