Wednesday, April 7, 2010

IdeaFest: The Re-enactment

"Hi, Can I tell you about my project? I did a research review on the topic of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) as an intervention for childhood apraxia of speech. AAC includes sign language, using a computer to talk, or anything that is used for communication, besides natural voice. Childhood apraxia of speech is a developmental disorder that affects the ability of the message to travel from the brain to the muscles to move the articulators, resulting in unintelligible speech.

"For my review I searched a variety of databases for both AAC and childhood apraxia of speech. I found five articles that fit my inclusion criteria. Among all of the articles, there were only a few participants with childhood apraxia of speech, so it was difficult to draw conclusions. I found two systematic reviews that looked at AAC as an intervention for participants with developmental disabilities or autism.

"Although I did not find enough evidence to support AAC as an intervention for childhood apraxia of speech, I did find that the research shows that AAC intervention does not hinder natural speech development. In some cases, AAC improved speech by providing a consistent example of words or phrases. AAC also reduced frustration and negative behaviors and increased communication for some of the participants. More research needs to be done on this topic. Do you have any questions?"

Camera-phone photo courtesy of my poster neighbor and co-grad assistant, who reviewed neuromuscular electrical stimulation for treatment of dysphagia for her topic.



Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB!!! Matka

Anonymous said...

What a great idea, a re-enactment, it's like I was right there in the room. It gave me goose bumps!