Monday, April 26, 2010

Pimp My Space

Just before Easter, I made a major purchase. I wanted a "real" chair, since most of my furniture is made out of wire or can be screwed together with an L-wrench. So I got a giant chair that one can stretch out on and relax. I promised myself, and 文大猊 concurred, that it's worth the investment because I'm going to keep it forever. Anyway, it's more useful than a tatoo...Am I right, or am I right? (click to enlarge any picture)

The chair, however, posed a problem for my tiny apartment. Namely, it started getting a little claustrophobic. Note the two feet between the chair and the couch. I was a bull in a china shop trying to walk around my apartment. Note that the birdcage is in the right corner (covered for the night).

The table is now in the bottom right corner. Note all the space between the brown chair and table. After:

The rest of the room wasn't much better. Note the two feet between the table and the chair. Before:

The table is in the bottom right corner outside of the frame. Note the room by the door and the space in the middle and bottom right.

I think there is enough space to move the couch up to watch TV with boyfriends. The birds are a little unsure, but what cockatiel doesn't love being more the center of attention? Plus, the new cage location is a good staging area for flights to exotic locations, like the curtain rod, and the top of the big wire shelving unit.



Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love the new space!! All that work paid off!! Would love to see what your team could do in spaces here!! Matka

Anonymous said...

Good investment. Nothing so dear as my own chair and a good book.