Friday, February 24, 2012

Fascinating New Things

I'm trying out the updated Blogger interface, which seems to have many new capabilities and looks pretty.  For example, in old Blogger, I was unable to figure out how to set the copy beside a figure, which is somewhat of a default in new Blogger.

I have been working and knitting lately.  My new project is a ZigZag Scarf, and I am far beyond where I was when I snapped this picture.  The goal of the scarf is to be colorful, without being "rainbow."  As with any knitting project, I learned two new techniques to throw in my box of tricks: the mitered decrease "md" that decreases 2 stitches (seen on the left, downward point in the photo), and Elizabeth Zimmerman's make one "m1" that uses a "backwards loop" (seen on the right, upward point in the photo). 

The ZigZag is kind of a placeholder, while I think about what to do next.  It's also kind of a monster, since I pulled out all of the colors of yarn I own, which are now scattered around the living room, waiting for me to decide which color to use next.  So far, 14 different colors have been used, and it measures about 4 ft. long.


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