Saturday, December 1, 2007

I'm from out of town...

The house is quiet again. DBF's parents and cousin stayed for one night, visiting from Guangzhou. It was a good visit. I met them after the Friday meeting at the Front Gate. We went to my place, to get settled, and then we had dinner at East Gate. The English Festival opening night performance was held on Friday night, so there was some built-in entertainment for the visit as well. We also watched and looked at or exchanged digital photo presentations of our travels.

They brought some very useful gifts, including Chinese chestnuts, peanuts in shells, mandarin oranges, pears, dried sweet potatoes, and a bag of hyacinth beans, which they thought were lentils. I looked online to find out how to cook them, and it looks like they might be poisonous. Well, poisonous if you don't cook them and change the water many times.

We ate at the student cafeteria in the morning. Then we walked around the campus, saw the reservoir. Then the cousin's friend from the city came to pick us up, and we went to the fort on the seaside, which according to the sign is made out of granite, glutinous rice, brown sugar, and lime. It was interesting, and there were some photo ops.

We had dimsum for lunch, and I tried fish balls. I didn't like them, but I managed to swallow 7 of them, since it took so much effort to get the fish ball soup without meat floating in it.


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