Wednesday, December 26, 2007

White Elephant

It was truly a memorable Christmas! I taught all afternoon, but I decorated and listened to Christmas music in the morning. We had a small dinner for those who don't teach in the evening, at my apartment. There were two wok-ed and stuffed chickens, sweet potatoes with pecans (OMG!), mashed potatoes, Mexican squash (by yours truly), and steamed English pudding (which is really cake, but calling cake pudding is ok on Christmas).

Then I had a small party. I still have wine and tons of leftover sweets suitable as bribes to get my students to come to office hours on Sunday. We even had White Elephant presents under the tree. The presents were great. I gave a coaster, which I crocheted. I received a roll of toilet paper, embedded within which was a little gold statue of Mao.

This week we are doing oral presentations in class. We have class on Saturday to make up for Dec. 31st, but Jan. 1st is a freebie. My students asked for a review instead of a film on Saturday. It's craziness!


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