Friday, May 23, 2008

When Shoes Die

I had been trying to convince myself that I did not need to pack my Sketchers on the trip back to the US. I told myself that I could buy better shoes when I got back. Afterall, my Sketchers were heavy, old, and had lost all of their traction. These factors did not outweigh the fact that I loved them, and they still seemed wearable. I've always wanted brown shoes that look like bowling shoes, with stripes and different tones of brown, but I could never be sure that they would be as cute and as comfortable as my Sketchers. Still, I had decided to leave my shoes, when I went to put them on for the last time, and I realized that the sole was completely falling off.

Now I don't feel so bad. I got a lot of use out of those shoes, traipsing around Xi'an, Hong Kong, and Beijing and hiking over Shantou Mountains. So sad! But it definitely made my decision easier.



Anonymous said...

My sympathies on the loss of your beloved Sketchers. Matka

Anonymous said...

Shoes will come and shoes will go, it is the feet that we all must take special care of. It is a long known fact at this home, that family culture keeps us from discarding anything before its time. For your shoes, it was their time. Those German's who have gone before us would be proud. You did not just merely use them up, you most sincerely used them all up.

Anonymous said...

Nice comment Mira. I agree. But you said it so poetically. My pastor would describe it as "fully depreciated". I have a pair of house shoes I just refuse to give up.
Max near Pine Island