Friday, April 17, 2009

Yes I Can!

It's been a few crazy weeks of homework and trying to organize my life. I had to decide on a grad. school by Wednesday. I had kind of made my decision, all except the final step of putting my signature on the paper and handing it in. Since it's now written in stone, the Internet can also know that I'm staying put for next year. I'll be in the same apartment complex, but I got an opening for a one-bedroom apartment. I'll be moving a few doors down at the end of May.

With the decision behind me, I feel a little more relaxed and more able to enjoy the grueling weeks ahead as the semester winds to a close.

Kavi likes to climb. In fact, I think he prefers it to flying. I made a video of him climbing from the floor to the couch. I think you can really see the decision-making process in his mind, as he eventually decides to go for it. Blogger is not cooperating again, so I'm providing a link.
"Yes I Can!" Video



Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the little engine that said I think I can, I think I can,... Matka

Anonymous said...

That bird is the prittiest. A.G.M.