Sunday, July 12, 2009

Home Improvement

Since the big, scary "digital switch," I've suffered from the extreme lack of channels. At best, I could watch skittery NBC and the "all Olympics all the time" channel. The wonders of the internet triumph again, as 文大猊 found a couple of plans for a homemade antenna. He fashioned a prototype for me, and another for himself, out of wire hangers, wood, wire, and odds and ends.

Another amazing improvement via the 文 Design Studio is a shelf for above the sink. If you compare this to the original photo, you will see that I can now maximize my 18 inches of counter space, with no precarious plates. If I cover the sink with the cutting board, there's some extra usable space.

In fact, this morning I lined up a toaster, coffee maker, and 3-cup food processor on the cutting board, with enough room for the plates and coffee cups on the counter. Plus, now there's room to keep my favorite things on the counter with a spice rack underneath.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like it is really 'for the birds'! Always trying to get in on the picture. So photogenic! Love the new shelf. Someone could really go crazy if they had a basement full of tools like me!