Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cracking the Tea Code

One year ago, my aunt brought out her "tea wallet," which is a little travel accessory for tea bags. We discussed how we might duplicate the design. One year later, nobody has offered a prototype, until today. I searched the internet, and found a variety of designs for "tea wallets," some of which are for sale on Etsy. There are very few of these "tri-fold" designs, but I did find a tutorial for making one. Then I logically changed a few details to make the design a little easier and more intuitive for me.

Lacking proper cutting, measuring, and sewing tools, I created a prototype, which a better, faster seamstress, with more advanced tools, might be able to perfect (cough...Mom...cough). When the wallet is folded and fastened, the button looks entirely off-center, urgh.

But the most important thing is that it's functional. (Am I right, or am I right?) The pockets hold 6 tea bags, and there are 5 inner pockets for sweeteners, or other condiments. The 5 inner pockets exist between the two layers. There are actually six spaces, but I sewed the ribbon into one of the pockets.



Anonymous said...

Well done!! Looks great!! So, when are you taking orders?? I am very proud of you!!! Matka

Anonymous said...

Very very nice. El oh vee eee the material. Where did you find it? How about a pretty glass bead as closure for the next one. Haven't read the blog in a while. Catching up tonight. Fun to see pics of all your new projects. Thanks.
MJinCR said...

Grandma B would have been over the moon. You appear to have inherited her talent for picking an item up, being curious about it and then recreating it. Well Done!

Anonymous said...
