Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I was at work the other day, and I overheard one of my coworkers say, "blah, blah Degrassi blah, blah..." The word "Degrassi" means one thing to me, a show that was on public TV when I was younger. I watched it about 3 times, but one of those times was when my mom was home. Although, it was on public TV, Degrassi High was kind of racy. The episode I remember was about a girl who thought she was pregnant and went to an abortion clinic. My mom deemed it inappropriate.

The Degrassi concept has moved on, following through the Degrassi High character Spike, whose daughter is now in middle school-high school. In what's now called Degrassi The Next Generation, junior high students tackle issues such as meeting strangers on the internet, taking someone else's Ritalin, first dates, out-of-control rumors, and menarche.

I'm kind of excited about finding Degrassi again, but it's a Canadian show, which is pretty amateur-looking. The acting is not so realistic. But the thing that bugs me the most is how they say "SOrry" instead of "Sah-rry." And "What are you talking aBOAT?" It's the pure "o" that makes it difficult for me to take this show seriously.


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