Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why the hell is "hell" a swear word?

When we use words as swear words, they lose their true meaning and become exactly that: swear words. It's almost as if the definition of a swear word is a word that is offensive, but used in a context in which it has no real meaning. Furthermore, when a swear word is used in a meaningful context, it usually has a more desirable alternative. (e.g. "to make love" or "a female dog")

But "hell." I don't think it's a swear word here: "It's like my own personal hell." It Iisa swear word in "What the hell?" and "Get the hell out of here" and "Go to hell/See you in hell." It lacks a more desirable alternative, exp. for "Hades," which isn't really more desirable, but is more Greek.

It's very difficult to find a true meaning for swearing or vulgarity. When you look it up, you find "indecent" or "profane," but like the words they describe, the meaning of vulgarity depends on the meaning and connotation a particular person attaches to it.

I think "hell" is a swear word because of superstition. Certainly, in the case of "Go to hell," hell is used in a meaningful context, but in that case it's truly an evil wish. But I suppose making "hell" a swear word is more-likely caused by a superstitious desire to avoid saying the names of evil things. After all, doesn't The Secret teach that if you want to avoid something bad, focus on the good. In other words, say "Heaven" because that is where you want to go, and avoid saying "Hell," even in a negative context because you don't want to go there.

Keeping "H-E-Double Hockey Stick" on the "bad words" list is effing ridiculous if you ask me.

P.S. The Secret is complete pap and I do NOT endorse or encourage the reading, buying, borrowing, or redistributing of this rag. The Secret is: If you want something, as the Universe. But you must ask in a positive way. If you say "I don't want cancer," you will attract cancer to yourself. So, instead you should say, "I want to be healthy," in order to attract good health. Sounds a little like victim blaming, doesn't it? Ok? So now you don't have to read it. The rest is testimonials from normal and famous people. It's almost as much crap as J.Z. Knight being interviewed while channeling Ramtha, which I just can't get enough of. Look up Ramtha on your own if you don't believe me, and see J.Z. Knight channeling an Atlantian warrior from 35,000 yrs. ago, who speaks English with a British accent and bad grammar.

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