Sunday, June 8, 2008

Di San Xian Three Fresh Earth Vegetables

One of the dishes we love at the Banyan Tree restaurant is called Di San Xian (literally "Earth Three Fresh"). The three fresh Earth vegetables are potatoes, eggplant, and green peppers. My distinguished colleagues went to the restaurant earlier this semester to have a "cooking class" to write down some of our favorite recipes.

Di San Xian
is one of my most favorite Chinese dishes, and I didn't try it until I came to China. When I made it at home, I didn't have all of the ingredients. The basic seasoning is from fresh ginger, garlic, salt, soy sauce, and sesame seed oil. I almost forgot about the cooking oil, lots and lots of cooking oil. It's good as a treat. My pic looks quite similar to the restaurant, although without corn starch, the flavor soaked into the vegetables instead of making a sauce.



Anonymous said...

I fly to see the largest banyun tree in the world, and you write so many blogs while I am basking by the surf, it will take me quite a while to catch up. By the way, how many chops can a chop shopper buy when the chop shopper's shop isn't open? And, what's in a name...a rose by any other name still smells sweet. And, good thing you are young with a strong bladder since you drink so much tea at one sitting. Who cares where Wal-Mart is, point me to the direction of the ladies room please. Your party looked like a lot of fun.
MJ in CR

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you have the recipe for this dish. I remember how delicious it was. I can't wait to have it again and I'm not even vegetarian. Matka

Anonymous said...

Wow!! This is so very cool. The culture, the people, I'm envious and happy for you!
Max near Pine Island