Thursday, January 14, 2010

Follow that Bird: Roscoe and Kavi's Big Adventure

Over the break we got in our travel cage, and we got in our giant bird's auto-travel cage. We rode for a long time, and then we finally arrived at Grampa's house.

Many giant bird cousins and relatives came to see us. We sat on the backs of their chairs while they played games and played with string:

We went in the auto-travel cage again, and I was excited to go home, but instead we stopped at Auntie's house. It was very cold outside, so we needed to sleep there. We saw more giant birds, and we met Auntie's cat. The cat was very large, energetic, and loud: [stock photo]

Now we are home, and happy to be back in the big cage and looking out the window from inside.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kavi, you sure know how to tell a great adventure story. My family recently went into a big plane-cage. We flew like a bird to watch the hawkeye team (not a team of birds) win a game played with a ball. It was lots of fun. The band played a song you are very fond of. They played it many times.