Saturday morning I decided to order an omlette from the greasy diner down the road. I asked them for one without meat and without mushrooms, but neither of these was completely honored. There were two chunks of ham and tons of mushrooms to pick out. I cut up a melon and took that along for a quick healthy lunch.
As I got on the road to the testing center in Sioux Falls, I found that three trucks were trying to transport plane parts using our on-ramp. Nothing was moving. I thought I would be late. Hilarity ensued as I thought, "Hey, I'll go south for a bit, find an overpass, and change directions." However, the next overpass is about 15 miles down the road. By the time I illegally turned around in an 'only authorized maintenance vehicle' driveway, the planes were long gone.
I was shaking when I finally found the testing center. I was on my game though, and in the analytical writing section, I wrote about art from the Chinese Cultural Revolution and "BodyWorld." For the latter, I wrote that the popularity of the exhibit "reveals society's fascination with the macabre." I'll have to wait for the writing scores, but the verbal and quantatative are given immediately. I improved my score by 25% over 5 years ago. Yeah! Take that, 5 Years Ago Me!!
After that, I went shopping. I found Lambic Framboise (Belgian raspberry beer) at World Market and bought all they had except one bottle. I got a few bath things and essentials. I wanted to take myself out for good Chinese food, but none of the restaurants looked so delicious.
That was my week. Thanks for reading!
- 吴碧芙