Friday, October 10, 2008

Martha Mags

I decided to make some magnets today, mostly a repair and improvement mission. I saw these on Martha (on one of the few times I watched the show) a few years ago. I made some of them then, but I didn't use a strong glue, so they were a little fragile. I got some E6000 glue this time, which I'm hoping will work better.

It involves gluing a paper circle to a flat gem and then gluing a strong magnet to the paper. The result is a high-profile, highly adorable and personalized magnet. I used some scrapbooking paper, which I got with my aunt. Heavy-ish paper works well because the glue might soak through the regular stuff. For these, I actually don't know if the magnets are strong enough to handle the weight of the gems, or if the glue is strong enough to hold everything together. If this works, you may be finding a set of these in your Christmas stocking.

This is Homecoming weekend. I have to work on Saturday, but it should be busy and fun. People keep telling me that it's going to be crazy, and that I shouldn't try to go grocery shopping this weekend. Having lived in IC and China, I have my doubts that I'll be overwhelmed by the amount of people, but I might be surprised.



Anonymous said...

Catching up. I had turned off the computer, save on resources, and pow I miss some blogs. Love the mags, loved them the first time you told me about them. Even better to see the new ones. For recycling I take old "pizza magnets" (you know the kind of magnet everyone sends out to advertise on your already crowded fridge door) and glue them on to little knick-knacks. The last good days of fall are approaching. Rode the bikes up to Dubuque to see the leaves change yesterday. May have been one week too soon. Lots of fun on the bikes at 65mph. Weee.

Anonymous said...

I was in charge of the Valentine Party last year for 2nd grade. So they stamped hearts on paper that they then colored in. The mothers loved them. Yours look like they should be sold in a very cool and hip shop!

Anonymous said...

I love those magnets! Matka