Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stress and Flowers

Last week was one of the busiest of this semester. The biggest thing was that I had the GRE on Saturday. So, between studying for my Audiology exam and trying to cover some extra hours at work, I tried to prepare for the GRE. There was a nice surprise on Friday, when my family sent me a fall bouquet.

Saturday morning I decided to order an omlette from the greasy diner down the road. I asked them for one without meat and without mushrooms, but neither of these was completely honored. There were two chunks of ham and tons of mushrooms to pick out. I cut up a melon and took that along for a quick healthy lunch.

As I got on the road to the testing center in Sioux Falls, I found that three trucks were trying to transport plane parts using our on-ramp. Nothing was moving. I thought I would be late. Hilarity ensued as I thought, "Hey, I'll go south for a bit, find an overpass, and change directions." However, the next overpass is about 15 miles down the road. By the time I illegally turned around in an 'only authorized maintenance vehicle' driveway, the planes were long gone.

I was shaking when I finally found the testing center. I was on my game though, and in the analytical writing section, I wrote about art from the Chinese Cultural Revolution and "BodyWorld." For the latter, I wrote that the popularity of the exhibit "reveals society's fascination with the macabre." I'll have to wait for the writing scores, but the verbal and quantatative are given immediately. I improved my score by 25% over 5 years ago. Yeah! Take that, 5 Years Ago Me!!

After that, I went shopping. I found Lambic Framboise (Belgian raspberry beer) at World Market and bought all they had except one bottle. I got a few bath things and essentials. I wanted to take myself out for good Chinese food, but none of the restaurants looked so delicious.

That was my week. Thanks for reading!
- 吴碧芙


Anonymous said...

Flowers that feed off a bowl of candy corn. Looks a little Willie Wonka to me. I love it. May the force be with you on those test scores. Okay, this is what I have learned. At restaurants, order omelets with what you do want on them. If you order what you do not want, the cook just sees the list and will add those ingredients. It is just like kids. "Play on the swings", no problem. "Do not play in the street", straight to the street they go.

Anonymous said...

Those flowers look just like they were suppose to. They put a smile on my face when I see them. How does the raspberry Belgium beer taste? Sounds yummy!! Matka