Friday, October 3, 2008

Kavi Sings

Today I had a paper due and an exam. After that I did a file review for homework in another class. All these tasks meant that I didn't get home until 5:00 pm today. When I was in China, I tried to try something new every day. Life in any new place, where you don't know many people and you don't know all the good places, can get a little boring and depressing. My something new today was to go check out the fitness center, which is located in this cute little stadium they have here. I got a good EFX workout while reading Bitch. The fitness center is free to students, and everyone knows how much I love my EFX.

When I came back, I needed a shower. Since I had noticed that Kavi's voice seems to get better with moist air, I let the birds sit on the counter, but they eventually flew up and perched on the curtain rod.

Kavi's voice goes in and out, sometimes he sounds like he has something stuck in his throat and can only make popping peep noises. Other times, his voice is low and scratchy. Occasionally, he says, "Hi Kavi," in his usual high and pure chirpy voice. Since he's been with me, he hasn't done any whistling, presumeably because he can't, or it hurts his throat. I whistle his favorite songs to him anyway.

When I got out of the shower, I heard the old chirpy voice say, "Hi Kavi...I love you...Pretty Birdy...Kavi whistle...C'mon." He started whistling, just like he used to, and I ran to get a quick vid. Kavi is on the right side of the picture. You can hear Kavi saying his name, making kissing noises, and whistling the Iowa Fight Song toward the end of the vid. Roscoe is also whistling, which is strange for him, as he usually screeches or makes vocal calls. I haven't been this excited since baby Bucket used the litter box.

This video is also available on YouTube under "Kavi Sings" for the blogospherely challenged.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new blog. Love Kavi. He sings better than I do. Doesn't take much. But, I sing like no one is listening and it makes me happy. Sounds like it makes Kavi happy too. Something fun for you to do, take a drive and see the change in season through nature. October leaves, they are a changing. They will be a falling soon.

Gaelle 巧云 said...

This is really cute. I'm happy he's singing again. You should try to get a video of him talking. :-)

I need to try to do new things- it's already back to routine, here!