Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love is in the Air

The days are getting longer, and the birds seem to have noticed the scent of spring. They have started vying for the attention of any available female birds, and finding none, started vying for the attention of any available female of any species. Finding my attention divided (or tri-vided, as the case may be), they started vying for each other's attention. Finding themselves to be uncomfortable with that prospect, they cycle back to looking for female birds. Roscoe, in particular, has been updating his eharmony profile, starting with "talents: able to whistle loudly in high pitches and flap wings at the same time." He started doing this while Kavi was sitting on my knee on the couch, and he was alone on top of the cage.

Blogger has been tetchy about uploading vids, so I'm linking to my YouTube this time:
"Roscoe the Stud" Vid It's a little dark, but you get the idea.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHHH! I was stuck in the u-tube loop for a while. Had to check out all the neat bird videos. 30 minutes later, back to reality.